Navy Pay
In spite of the number of ships built and equipped during the war, and the other heavy expenses which the War Department incurred, the total cost of the Navy during the war was little over $314,000,000, or 9.3% of the total cost of the war.
The pay of the officers and men in the Navy, unlike that of the volunteers enlisted in the Army, was regulated by the length of service and by the duty they were called upon to perform.
Start of the War Pay:
Captain, commanding a squadron....$417
Captain, senior-flag officer.....$375
Captain, all other sea duty....$350, shore duty, on leave, awaiting orders....$$300
Commander, at sea.....$235/first five years, $263/second five years
Commander, other duties....$222/first five years, $235/second five years
Lieutenant, at sea.....$212
Lieutenant, other duties.....$125/first seven years, $142/next five years, $173/ after
Chaplain....same as Lieutenant
Fleet Surgeon.....$317
Surgeon, at sea.....$183/first five years, increasing to $250 at twenty years
Surgeon, other duties.....$167 - $233
Assistant Surgeon.....$67 - $125/regulated by proficiency and assigned duties
Paymaster.....$116, increasing to $258 after twenty years
Chief Engineer.....$150/first five years increasing to $217 after fifteen years
Assistant Engineer.....depending on grade, $50 - $104
Gunner, at sea.....$83/first three years, increasing to $112 after twelve years
Gunner, other duties.....$67 - $100
Boatswain.....same as gunner
Carpenter.....same as gunner
Midshipman, at sea.....$46, qualified for commission $83
Midshipman, other duties.....$42, qualified for commission $67
Senior Petty Officer.....$45
Third Class Petty Officer.....$20
Able Seaman.....$18+, depending on grade
Seaman.....$11 - $20, depending on grade
Fireman....same as seaman
Coal Heaver.....same as seaman
Powder Monkey.....$10 plus rations
Water Boy....same as powder monkey
Seagoing enlisted men over 21 received a half pint of wine or a gill (quarter pint) of grog each day. This practice was abolished in September 1862, when the ration was replaced by a cash payment of $1.50 a month.