Roster of Iowans who served in Iowa Regiments

As of March 23, 2025, our number of those who served in Iowa Regiments and Iowans who served in other units, during the Civil War stands at:


The Following Regiments have been completed:

1st Iowa Infantry

1st Iowa Infantry African Descent

2nd Iowa Infantry

3rd Iowa Infantry

2nd and 3rd Veteran Iowa Infantry Consolidated

27th Iowa Infantry

Northern Border Brigade

Southern Border Brigade

481 names were added from the Federal Army Enlistments. (Those who deserted within the first eight months were omitted.)

Last Names starting with "A" have been completed.

Alphabetically, I am now at "Bond".

Before I started this project, the number of those that served was 73,593.  At this time, accounting for re-enlistments, transfers and name spellings, that number has dropped to 71,498.

This is a work in progress and is updated from time to time.

During this process, I am finding Iowans whose Graves are unmarked. 

Those can be found on the Iowans in Unmarked Graves page.

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