Iowa Civil War Monuments
Marshall County
Clemons - Civil War Monument GPS Coordinates: 42.113449 by -93.166563
This 12 foot obelisk has emblems of the Civil War, Spanish-American War, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars on the four sides of the monument. Thank you to Don McGuire for notification of the monument and the first photo shown. This photo was taken in 2017 - the second photo was taken 8/29/21. Clemons Cemetery is west of town - take Market Avenue (which changes to Davidson Avenue) west through town.
Gilman - Civil War Soldier GPS Coordinates: 41.886883 by -92.795300
This monument is in Prairie View Cemetery NW of Gilman. It is granite - the soldier is about 4 feet in height. It is in good condition - but there is a crack in the left leg that has been repaired. It appears that at one time it may have been a full size soldier but it was damaged with the lower portion of the legs taken off. The inscription indicates that the monument was dedicated by CW soldier Thomas Mooney (1841-1917) who was born in Ireland and came to America at age 16. This is not part of his tombstone but is near where he is buried. See the excerpt from "The Gilman History" book below which refers to Mr. Mooney. The location is about ½ mile NW of town on a gravel road. Take Center or 330th west - then north on Yates Avenue to the cemetery. Photo taken 6/23/14.
Marshalltown - Iowa Veterans Home GPS Coordinates: 42.054133 by -92.933083
The Soldiers Home (now known as the Iowa Veterans Home) has much of historical interest related to the Civil War. The primary promoter of the Home was the G.A.R. It was founded in 1887 for soldiers of the Civil War. Today the facility serves Iowa veterans and is operated by the State of Iowa. For many years it was run with military discipline. A pass had to be obtained to leave and one had to report at the guard house shown below on return. Reveille and taps were sounded daily. The Guardhouse was built in 1902 and restored in 1987. It is located at the corner of Summit and N 13th. The cannon is a 12 pounder bronze Napoleon, M1857, cast at the Revere Copper Co. in 1862. The carriage and limber are in great condition. It is located at the south entrance of the Malloy Building. It is taken out on occasion for parades and reenactments. There is also a cannon in storage without markings and of unknown origin. There are granite monuments in the cemetery. The item on the right in the photo is a stone pulpit dedicated to all veterans. It was donated by the Trinity Lutheran Church of Marshalltown in 1995. There are 2300 veterans buried in the cemetery. At the entrance to the Home is a large park area with memorials to veterans from several wars. The Civil War soldiers memorial is granite and about 15 feet high. It is in very good condition. It was erected in 1921 by the WRC and dedicated on May 30, 1922. Also shown is the cornerstone with the date of 1887 when the Home was opened and the plaque by the Ladies of the GAR at the entrance to the Cemetery. The old photo shows residents about 1915. My Great-Grandfather, Jefferson Moses, is standing on the left. The Soldiers Home is located on the NW side of Marshalltown - take Main Street west - then turn north at 13th. Photos taken 11/16/07, 7/23/08, 6/23/14 and 7/13/19.