(CHAPTER 165, LAWS OF 1884.)
An Act to provide for the publication of names of ex-soldiers, sailors and marines
residing in Iowa.
SECTION 1. [Assessor shall make list of persons who served in army
or navy.]—Be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Iowa: The assessor
in each township shall make and deliver to the county auditor of their respective
counties at the time of making their annual assessment in the year of 1885,
a corrected list of all persons who served in the United States army, navy, or marine
corps during the war of 1812, the Mexican war, and the war of the rebellion,
designating the rank, company, regiment, battery, or vessel in which they served,
and their present residence, town and county, which several lists shall be returned
with the assessor's books to the county auditor, who shall on or before the first
day of June, 1885, certify to the adjutant-general a true copy of said lists alphabetically
SEC. 2. [Adjutant-general shall publish said lists: distribution.]—
The adjutant-general on receipt of said lists from the county auditors, shall proceed
to consolidate said lists alphabetically, and publish three thousand copies in
book form as a roster of the ex-soldiers, sailors, and marines now residents of
Iowa, three copies of which shall be furnished each post of the grand army of
the republic in the state of Iowa, one hundred copies to, the state library for
exchange with other libraries, one copy to the office of each county auditor in the
state, the remaining books to be retained by the adjutant-general for distribution.
SEC. 3. [Appropriation.]—There is hereby appropriated the sum of two thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purposes named in
this act, and all warrants against said appropriation shall be drawn by the auditor
of state upon the state treasurer upon the certificate of the adjutant-general.
Approved April 5, 1884.